Sunday, August 14, 2011

Whole Loin of Lamb on the Braai.

O.K. enough whinging and whining now!

Last night I stayed over with family in Riebeeck Wes and we did a lovely braai. We actually cooked some Wors as well. The other day my neighbour gave me 3 packs of Kudu Wors that he had made himself after a hunting trip. It was probably one of the nicest Wors I have eaten for many years.

Anyway, this is a favourite of mine. Get the butcher to cut you a whole piece of loin of lamb and then just cut through the bone so that you can carve it up after braaing. Cut slits into the top of the loin and stuff these with slivers of garlic and fresh rosemary.

Get the fire ready. We used Vine Stumps (Wingerd Stompe) and added a few more as well once the fire was burning nicely to give a good bed of hot coals.

Place the meat on the braai while the coals are still very hot. This will seal the juices in and give a nice charred effect.

Braai for about 25 minutes, turning frequently, and remove from the fire. Allow to stand for 5 minutes. This helps the juices set and not all run out as soon as you carve it up. It is still a bit pink and juicy on the inside as can be seen in the image below. I was going to post an image of the carved up Loin, but had had too much wine by then to hold the camera. Braaing is very thirsty work.

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